Notes for the GreenWay
Notes for the GreenWay
Notes for the GreenWay
GreenWay users shall comply with relevant Ordinances and regulations, including but not limited to Cap. 132BC, Cap. 374, and the Road Users’ Code; follow the instructions of the keepers; and comply with the followings for maintaining safe and orderly operation of the GreenWay:
No person shall ride any vehicle on the GreenWay except bicycles, tricycles, scooters, perambulators and wheel-chairs propelled by hand.
No person shall ride any vehicle outside the GreenWay, except wheel-chairs or perambulators.
*Dogs or other pet animals shall be under proper control and effectively restrained from causing annoyance to any person. Dogs shall be on a lead.
Bicycles and tricycles shall have white front lights and red rear lights shown and red rear reflectors installed when being used on the GreenWay during the hours of darkness or in poor visibility conditions.
Bicycles and tricycles shall be fitted with a bell capable of giving sufficient warning.
Bicycles and tricycles shall be equipped with a braking system which shall be efficient and kept in proper working order.
Cyclists shall ride carefully and give due care and attention to other persons
Cyclists shall give way to pedestrians.
No person shall cycle under the influence of drink or drugs.
Cyclists shall not carry any other person, animal or article which obstructs their view or prevents them from exercising complete control over their bicycles or tricycles.
Child under the age of 11 riding a bicycle or tricycle on the GreenWay shall be accompanied by an adult.
Cyclists shall proceed in single file except when overtaking
Remark: *Pets are not allowed in non-Inclusive Parks for Pets.
For GreenWay users
Dos and Don’ts on GreenWay
Be patient and cautious.
Stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings to ensure safety
Pay attention to the signs, facilities, and pavement conditions along the GreenWay.
Do not obstruct the GreenWay.
Do not linger in busy spots.
For Cyclists
Dos and Don’ts on GreenWay
Use bicycles warning bells only when necessary.
When pedestrians, dogs and other pet animals* are nearby, be alert and slow down, and dismount at dismount zones
Wear a helmet and other protective equipment while cycling
Ride along the side with bicycle ground markings.
Stop cycling immediately if there are too many pedestrians nearby
Park bicycles or tricycles only at designated parking places, with a continuous parking period not exceeding 12 hours.
Do not ride bicycles or tricycles along the side with pedestrian ground markings.
Do not use earphones or hand-held mobile devices while cycling
Do not cycle at speeds exceeding 15km/hour.
Remark:The Dos and Don'ts mentioned above are for advisory only.
* Pets are not allowed in non-Inclusive Parks for Pets.